Learn more about the work of the Rhodes Scholar Africa Forum - one of the groups in Oxford run by current Rhodes Scholars. It is dedicated to increasing awareness of social, political and economic issues, supporting small-scale community development projects, and addressing and engaging with the historical relationship between the Rhodes Scholarship and the African continent.
Welcome to SAARS
Our mission is to provide a community for Rhodes Scholars in Southern Africa. The Association comprises Senior Scholars from the constituency, as well as resident Scholars in Oxford, and Scholars from other parts of the world who are currently living in South Africa.
How to apply for the Rhodes Scholarship
Do you know young people who might want to apply for the Rhodes Scholarship?
Hear from Timur Ohloff what it's like to be a Rhodes Scholar
Related Groups in the Rhodes community
Rhodies in Gauteng WhatsApp Group
Thanks to Dr Thomas Brennan (Diocesan College & & Keble 2004), who recently initiated a WhatsApp Group for Gauteng-based Rhodes Scholars. If you would like to be included on the Group, please e-mail your details to: southernafrica.secretary@rhodestrust.com