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​Celebrating the Rhodes Scholarships for Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine

On 31 May, we welcomed Mr Wafic R. Saïd and the Saïd Foundation to Rhodes House for a dinner to mark the establishment of the Rhodes Scholarship for Syria and the Rhodes Scholarship for Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine.

The Saïd Foundation were joined by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Louise Richardson, and college Heads of House, for an evening of celebration and inspiration in honour of this historic launch. These new Scholarships for the Middle East region, which have been enabled by the leadership generosity of the Saïd Foundation, matched funding from the University and the generous support of selected colleges, will see new Rhodes Scholars come to Oxford from 2017.

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The evening saw the Chairman of the Rhodes Trustees, Sir John Hood, recognise the Saïd Foundation as a ‘Global Rhodes Fellow’ for its philanthropy to the Scholarships, a highlight of which was the unveiling of the new Saïd Foundation Room in Rhodes House. The dinner featured speeches from Mr Wafic R. Saïd, the Vice-Chancellor and the National Secretary and Regional Advisor, Dr Liliane Chamas (Québec & St John's 2009).

Take a look at a gallery of photographs from the event.