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​Another Year Draws to a Close...

Going Down Class

On Friday 19 June the Rhodes Trust celebrated all that the members of the going down class have achieved during their years in Oxford. The academic, sporting and extra-curricular results have been outstanding. During the evening there was a speech by Rhodes Trustee and Second Century Founder, John McCall MacBain (Québec & Wadham 1980), and one by Adam Mastroianni (Ohio & St Cross 2014). In addition, two George Parkin Distinguished Service awards were handed out by the Warden, and guests enjoyed a musical interlude by the Rhodes Chorus.

The Rhodes Scholars going down this year have also shown terrific commitment and generosity. This is the fifth year when Scholars going off stipend have donated to support the Trust's fundraising objectives and they achieved an impressive 100% participation. It is a strong sign of how much they have valued their time in Oxford, and their collective efforts are extremely appreciated.We wish them well with all their exciting plans for the future, and hope that they will come back and visit Rhodes House often!

As the Trust reaches the end of the current financial year (30 June), it celebrates all the donors who have come forward to support the Scholarships during the past twelve months. These names will be recognised in the next honour roll of donors, which is printed as part of the annual donor report. Their support funds future Rhodes Scholars, who can experience the full richness of what Oxford has to offer, and who in turn will be able to celebrate at their own Going Down dinner one day. This year almost 1,300 Rhodes Scholars made a gift to the Trust, which means more than 1 in 4 of all Scholars gave.This is 50% higher than our previous best ever annual participation, and we would like to thank everyone who took part in our annual giving campaign.

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