CARS Executive, 2019-2021
Braden O’Neill (Alberta & University 2011)
Sumit Sen (India, 1995)
Kai Alderson (Ontario & Wadham, 1993)
Stephen Brosha (Nova Scotia & Merton, 2007)
Newsletter Editor
Katherine Trajan (British Columbia & Linacre 2007)
Sailing Weekend Coordinators
Léticia Villeneuve (Quebec & University 2011) Stephen Brosha (Nova Scotia & Merton 2007)
The first Canadian Rhodes Scholars took up residence in Oxford in 1904, and since that time over a thousand Canadians have been awarded a Scholarship. The Association aims to:
- Connect Current and Senior Scholars with each other, through events and communications.
- Promote the visibility and standing of the Rhodes Scholarship in Canada
- Disseminate information about the Scholarship and about Scholars in a regular e-Newsletter.
- Strengthen the Rhodes Scholarship through financial support from Senior Scholars and other sources.
- Trinity 2020 PDF
- Hilary 2019 PDF
- Michaelmas 2015/Hilary 2016 PDF
- Hilary/Trinity 2014 PDF
- Trinity 2013 PDF
- Hilary 2013 PDF
- Michaelmas 2012 PDF
- Trinity 2018 PDF
Contributions, tributes, letters, comments, suggestions and suggestions can be sent to the editor at
CARS events are organised locally, and upcoming CARS events can be seen on the Rhodes Events page. Please do get in touch if you would like to organise or host an event.
How to organise regional meetings of Rhodes Scholars: The Association is more than happy to help Scholars organise regional gatherings. Please contact us to let us know and we will help identify who lives within that particular region and can contact them on your behalf.